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[sort on epoques]

--[Teofil Ociepka, (-)
>> "Fight"

--[Edward Okun, (1872-1945)
>> "View from a Window"
>> "War and We"

--[Jozef Oleszkiewicz, (1777-1830)
>> "Portrait of a Young Woman with her Daughter"

--[Aleksander Orlowski, (09.03.1777-01/13?.03.1832)
>> "Battle of Cossaks with Kirgizes"
>> "Convicts under Escort"
>> "Cossack Fighting off a Tiger"
>> "Cossack on Horseback"
>> "Grass"
>> "Head of a Cat"
>> "Head of a Horse"
>> "Head of a Horse"
>> "Horsemen"
>> "In the Suburbs of St. Petersburg"
>> "Landscape with Water in Moonlight"
>> "Mounted Cossack Escorting a Peasant"
>> "Peasant in a Cart"
>> "Peasants by the Carriage"
>> "Polish Insurgents in the Forrest at Night"
>> "Portrait of a Ballet Dancer Luis-Antoin Duport"
>> "Portrait of a Cabman"
>> "Portrait of a Girl"
>> "Portrait of a Negro, Orlowski's Servant"
>> "Portrait of a Woman"
>> "Portrait of A. M. Lanskaya"
>> "Portrait of A. P. Lanskoy"
>> "Portrait of an Italian Composer Muzio Clementi"
>> "Portrait of Artamon Denisov"
>> "Portrait of Denis Davydov"
>> "Portrait of K. I. Seidel"
>> "Portrait of Petr Shalikov"
>> "Portrait of the Architect Giacomo Quarenghi"
>> "Seascape. At Night"
>> "Self-Portrait"
>> "Self-Portrait in a Suit of a Caucasian Warrior"
>> "Shipwreck"
>> "Town Carriage (Droshky)"
>> "Traveler in a Kibitka (Hooded Cart or Sledge)"
>> "Two Cossacks on Horseback"
>> "Uhlan on Horseback"

--[Stanislaw Osostowicz, (1906-1939)
>> "On a Market Place"

--[Anna Ostoya, (1978-)
>> "Presentation, from the Hammer series, no. 14"
>> "Presentation, from the Hammer series, no. 40"
>> "Presentation, from the Hammer series, no. 61"

--[Henryk Ozog, (1956-)
>> "B-747-JET"

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